The St Augustine Gator Farm has a natural bird rookery that has developed around the long boardwalk area of the park. The birds have become accustomed to humans and allow you to get up close as they pose for you.
1 Tricolored Heron chick squawking. I love this phase where the tricolored chicks all have "bad hair days".
2 "Say what?"
3 "Stare into my eyes. I has you under my power..."
4 Waiting for mom to bring breakfast....
5 Tricolored Heron adult
6 Great Egret chick
7 Great Egret Chicks
8 I saw three chicks get turned into chick McNuggets.
10 This adult Snowy egret was ferociously attacking three chicks in a nest and he eventually drove them out.
11 Here he is attacking the chickies
12 I think he has anger issues.
13 There is great incentive not to fall from the tree. If you fall out of the tree, you become a chicken McNugget.
14 This guy was doing the courtship dance.
15 Kind of like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.