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  IMG_6369.jpg - Waiting to disembark in Colon, Panama.  In Panama we took an excursion that took us by bus from the Caribbean side (Colon) over to the Pacific side (Panama City) where we boarded a small ferry boat that took us through the Mira Flores locks and then through the Panana canal to Gamboa which is about halfway back to Colon. In Gamboa we boarded a tour bus for an amazing ride through the tropical rainforest mountains back to the ship in Colon.  It was a FANTASTIC excursion and is highly recommended.  

IMG 6369 | Waiting to disembark in Colon, Panama. In Panama we took an excursion that took us by bus from the Caribbean side (Colon) over to the Pacific side (Panama City) where we boarded a small ferry boat that took us through the Mira Flores locks and then through the Panana canal to Gamboa which is about halfway back to Colon. In Gamboa we boarded a tour bus for an amazing ride through the tropical rainforest mountains back to the ship in Colon. It was a FANTASTIC excursion and is highly recommended. Download
Total images: 142 | Last update: 8/22/09 8:47 AM | Help